Tech disputes: What happens when it goes wrong and what can we learn?


This webinar focus on legal issues within major IT contracts and you can watch it here.

Five partners from our four Nordic offices will exemplify and concretize some of these issues by giving you a brief summary of two recent judgments from the Norwegian Court of Appeal concerning major IT projects gone wrong;

  •  A judgment from July 2021 in a case between Felleskjøpet (as customer) and Infor Steinhausen (as contractor), regarding the implementation of a new ERP system, and
  • A judgment from October 2022 in a case between the Norwegian Public Roads Authority (as customer) and IBM (as contractor), regarding the implementation of a IT solution for road tolls.

In both judgments the customer’s termination was found to be unlawful and the contractor was awarded damages.

Through the webinar we set out some of the basic legal issues that made the contractor prevail from a Norwegian perspective, followed by a panel discussion from the perspectives of the other Nordic countries.


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